Bushsports is building better communicating, collaborating, effective, high performance teams.
Teams create a dynamic structure together. Symbolising your organisation.
- Bridge Team Building – each part of the team builds their own components of the bridge at seperate sites. We then unite the teams to assemble the bridge…
- Project Pipelines – teams unite to get as much flow / productivity through their pipelines
- Furniture for Families – help support DV and families who have lost their furniture. Building teamwork with IKEA furniture and donate your staff training results to a family.
- Building the business or corporate logo – design and collect the parts to make your teamwork. Assemble all individual components in teh right order to symbolise or copy your logo and corporate identity.
Achieving together in a united approach to building your team realistically and metaphorically.
Bushsports Team Construct is an ideal large group team building event, designed to get teams cooperating and communicating effectively towards a common goal. Literally building teams from the ground up!

Constructing a Team Building Tower or Pyramid, achieves a synergy of purpose. Enabling teams to unite with a common cause. Developing successful strategies of building co-operatively whilst teams unite in a common mission!
We facilitate exceptional facilitated team development and leadership growth programs. Customised to specific business outcomes.
Have one of our professional representatives visit your workplace for a meeting or design online a team construct around your business values.
Teams are divided into sub units to accomplish fun and serious team challenges. The scenarios and activities are facilitated at each stage of the process. Professionally briefed and debriefed with real experiential learning outcomes implemented which can be linked to your business practices.
Sub teams have a representative at the central build site, collaborating and working with other team coordinators. The project managers, leaders are identified by hard hats. They strategically develop the foundations and plan the construction project with or without input from other team members. Teams then manage the pipeline project – typically a unique structure embodying the spirit of teams ultimate goal.
This program is adapted to suit any location in Australia. From conference venues in Sydney to resorts in The Blue Mountains and on the beaches. Ideal for engineers, building and construction companies. Constructively utilising materials and equipment hands on.
‘Build a 3 Dimensional Structure CONSTRUCT that embodies the values of your team and your strategic direction’.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3 with Bushsports professional staffing and experience in delivering large scale quality team events. Utilising the assets and materials purchased or gained through the whole teams participation:
Leadership, Motivation, Skill, Tenacity, Communication, Problem Solving and sheer talent!
Points are awarded for success and performance. These are then traded for assets and materials to create the BUILD. Construction materials include: Props, PVC piping & push fit connectors, cable ties and the saving grace when things go askew, ducting tape!
Several activity stations surround a central construction site where the tower will be constructed. Team development activities are designed to complement your theme, vision or mission. The number of activities will vary according to group size and duration required.
Sub teams revolve through team initiative activities, focusing on fun or more serious challenges and team activities.
Each sub team elects one construction designer and one builder (identified by construction helmets) to enter the central construction site and work cooperatively with other teams’ designers and builders.
Initially collecting materials and designing their unique symbol, logo, transport or structure with the materials produced by their total teams’ efforts. Sub teams are provided up to 10-30 minutes to complete tasks surrounding the construction zone. Before rotating to the next activity. Once all activities are completed, all team members support the final construction managed by the final democratically elected set of designers.
Upon completion, a smoke bomb or other device will be ignited signaling SUCCESS.
The end structure embodies the spirit of achievement and is a symbol of united team achievement. Team scores are highlighted, prizes presented for accomplishment and speeches of acceptance given.
Team Construct Project Pipelines Sample Initiative Activities which can be included.
1. Poles Apart: – Team members sign their name on sheet laid in a toxic zone without stepping into the area.
2. Water Jet Blasting: – Retrieve water then fire jet blasters to shoot water accurately into canisters.
3. Mojo: – Fun team linking: Jumping through hoops literally without breaking links.
4. Mine-field: Clear the thermonuclear detonating devices scattered in the mine-field aboard specially designed planks.
5. Nuclear Hazard: A leaking nuclear waste drum has been encountered which requires decanting into a safety container utilising only ropes, whilst keeping clear of the nuclear leakage zone.
6. Puzzled: Unravel puzzle boards into shapes, colour coordinates and words to succeed. (Alternative activities: spiders web, electric fence, rettel, search-retrieve, hand cuffs)
- All team building construction equipment
– for Bridges, Rafts, Arks, Towers, Pyramids, Logos, Symbols, Houses… - Team colour coordinated bandanas
- $20 Million Public Liability Insurance
- Coordinator – Facilitator/s Motivated and qualified, experienced staff
Previous Team Building Construct Examples:
Defence Housing Authority orienteered to retrieve building equipment of flexi piping and connectors. They then constructed a scaled house to succeed in bringing their team together. A key feature was moving the house to another location representing the changes DHA face as a business moving thousands of defence personnel yearly. The Result? A much more responsible and motivated team in the workplace!
“A brilliant afternoon of team focused activities, creating an ARK that united the Siemens team” – Siemens Medical
“Sensational team building fun and linking new business teams for Coffey. Where the common goal was to acquire building equipment. Then literally structuring the team in succeeding cooperatively where our Chevron Symbol was recreated with passion”
“A whopping big thanks for an outstanding day. I’ve never had so much fun before. We still can’t stop praising the day and the Bushsports Team efforts. Thanks again!”
“One of the best teambuilding days had participated in, other companies have 1 or 2 activities that are good. However Bushsports programs were consistent in delivering team building activities that keep you interested from beginning to end.” FMK Management